Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I have become lazy with the diet. I went 13 days without taking a bit of insulin and I stopped eating my kimchi and sauerkraut. Since then I have had to take small doses of insulin. The probiotics found in these foods are essential for restoring healthy gut flora so it makes sense that without them my gut would allow leakage which would then trigger the immune response to attack my pancreas and destroy more insulin producing Beta cells. I guess I had better get back on it! I'm not worried though. I didn't expect myself to be perfect with the diet all the time.


  1. Hello, i'll be following you with interest. This is an issue close to my heart and we are following a very similar journey in my house. Keep up your blog please please please (i say that as i know Gaps is a bit horrid to stick to!)...i'm sure there are so many others who could benefit from your journey, and this be the start of something amazing

    1. I appologize for falling behind... I need to give an update. I agree that this is very important information and worth sharing. I just need to be better about it.

    2. My wife is type-1 and following a ketogenic version of GAPS now for nine months.

      We haven't seen any drastic drops in insulin needs but her blood sugar management is greatly improved. Hair stopped falling out. Sleeping better. Less headaches. Better mood. Looking good.

      You're results are promising. Of course, being new to diabetes you probably still have some beta cells working -- which a low carb diet should -- if nothing else -- preserve for you.

      Here's the details of our experiment: : http://diabeticdharma.com/gaps-for-type-1-diabetes/

      Please post more often. Looking forward to hearing about your progress. Feel free to email if you like to "compare notes."
